Art Description

There are 2021 pixels painted. This is to depict the year we are in. This artwork has been created as a source of hope and wish to overcome all that we have been through since 2020. I also wish for it to be a source of pleasure and happiness as pixel art is new in Bhutan. 

Artwork Specification
Title: 2021
Year: 2020
Dimension: 150×150 cm
Medium: Acrylic
Price: SOLD (Nu.100,000/-)

About the Artist

Raised in the capital city of Thimphu, I graduated from Kelki Higher Secondary. I am currently studying in BeaconHouse National University in Lahore, Pakistan, pursuing an undergraduate degree in fine arts through a scholarship from VAST Bhutan. My love for art started as a child when I was so fond of drawing Anime characters in my notebooks. I  joined VAST Bhutan when I was in Class 7 and started learning more about art.  At that time, all I  felt was joy  in learning art and experiencing new mediums and techniques of art. VAST Bhutan is my second home, it’s not just an institution to learn art at but also a natural way of learning through each other. I  feel that art is so much more than just drawing, painting or sculpting. There is a time in different situations when you take inspiration. I am extremely grateful to my family for allowing me to do whatever I want with my life.I am currently working on purring art but I am particularly interested in digital art. The mediums and techniques I use are acrylic, oil pastel, watercolor and colored pencil.

Born 1999, from Lhuentse

Dorji Nidup
Dorji Nidup

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