Cross-Stiched (Blanket)

Art Description

Artwork Specification
Title: Cross-Stiched (Blanket)
Year: –
Dimension: –
Medium:  Thread

About the Artist

Started as an apparel designer. I am self-taught and was inspired by my mother who made jackets out of traditional hand woven material along with knitting. I have been designing for over 15 years, doing special projects including some projects with local movie producers.

Experimenting with recycling and upcycling for materials, I fell in love with recycling paper waste. I use recycled paper to create art pieces including wearable art as paper jewelry that is hand painted.

As an artist I use various materials, cloth, jewelry, beads, paper and love upcycling using old materials to make new beautiful pieces.

Born 1980 from Thimphu

Kesang Anayat Yaganegi

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