Royal Portriat II

Art Description

Artwork Specification
Title: Royal Portriat II
Year: –
Dimension: –
Medium: Hay (Mixed Media)

About the Artist

Creating artwork is something I have always loved. Even as a young boy, I would draw and paint but without a mentor I was not able to pursue it. But then I heard about VAST Bhutan and there I learnt the basics of drawing and painting. I have worked with many mediums and materials but I am drawn to the material I currently use. 

The art pieces I do are things that I see in my everyday life. For me creating pieces of art is very meditative and each piece I create bears a part of me. I want people to see how art can change from a simple drawing to amazing pieces of art whereby the viewers are left amazed.

Born 1992, from Tsirang

Monjit Nepal

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